Hybrid Society
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Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Will LP come to the EMA's?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Probably not... we're working on finishing the new record.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

do u have n e advice 4 a new band starting out?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Play music because you love it... and keep playing in the midst of anything else.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Do you guys really read most of the threads here [on the LP Message Board]?...

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

No. I try, but I try to keep up, but I don't have enough time. A lot of times I'll read a bit to see what's going on, but I won't post anything.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

i just wanted to know if there's a release date yet for the album?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

We're aiming for Feb. or March coming up.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Phi, don't you love Manchester (UK)?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I do. Both the city and Man. U. But don't hate me if you support another club, they're the only one who has games shown in the US.

Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

If u where stuck on a desert island and had to eat another linkin park member who would u eat first second and third... and if u have any reason.. go ahead... i like to read...

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I don't know who I'd eat first, but Brad would be last... he's all bone and grissle.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Are LP coming to Ireland anytime in the near future, big lad?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Yes. Probably sometime in the next year.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

I heard that you played the chello in Reanimation. Is that true?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

What is it like to play in a well known band?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I love playing music, and I've been playing in bands for almost ten years... the "well known" part is just icing on the cake.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Hi phoenix which bass do you recomend that i get for beginners i really wanna learn how to play?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

It depends on your budget. I love the Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 4 and 5 string basses. That's what I play. But there are also a lot of great basses for learning that are more affordable. The important thing is having a bass, and practicing, not what type of bass you're playing.

Q: Submitted on 10/15/02


A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Hopefully we'll get down there sometime in the next year... We'd all love to go.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Is the rumor that the next LPU package will contain a 2 CD set full of all the demos you guys ever made a reality?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Somewhat... there will be some very old and previously unreleased stuff on it.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

what this Chinese letters on Mr.Hahn's shirt?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

No clue
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

are u guys coming to perth next yr for your australian tour?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

We didn't get to play Perth last time we were in Aust. Hopefully we can make it to the west coast sometime this next year.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

are you looking forward to touring again? What's the best thing about going on tour?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I am looking forward to touring again. I really enjoy the live shows. The energy and enjoyment you guys give back to us live is amazing to witness.

Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

can you give us a little hint as to how the next album will sound? is it in a similar vein to hybrid theory? or will it surprise us big time like reanimation?

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

The next album is returning more to the sound of Hybrid Theory... but I still think it will be surprising. It's a bit darker and heavier than anything we've done before.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

have you checked out the LP Holiday Projekt? Im helping with it all, and it's hard work so i hope you like it!

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I have, and it looks great... thanks for all your hard work; we all really appreciate all of you guys and everything you do.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

Apparently you played at the UEA in Norwich, England about...last year or so, and I MISSED IT! *cries* will you be playing there again???

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

I don't know about Norwich... but we'll definitely be in England again... multiple times I imagine.
Q: Submitted on 10/15/02

What are you playing at?? this "new" reanimation album, guys its a remix of ur outstanding HYbrid Theory........ Fans want new songs.. I know about 30 people that have given up supporting you . we have waited so long for the 2nd smashing album then u bring out a remix. Your Fans arent happy.... arent they the ones who count!

A: Answered by Phoenix on 10/15/02

Wow, interesting question. For the record... (copy and paste this all over if you want), the remix album was a project that we did in between albums; not in lieu of a second, but in between the first and second. We wanted to explore the hip-hop, and electronic porions of our music, and at the same time work with some artists that we have respected and loved for a long time. Had we not done the remix album, the second studio album would not have been finished any sooner. We take a long time to write new songs... we are very picky, and we never want to do anything half-way. The beauty of Reanimation is that we were able to write and work on album 2 while it was being remixed by the remixers. If you don't like it, then you don't like it. Personally, I love it... I think it turned out great. And if you demand an album a year out of a band, then I'm sorry not to have met your required rate of production... but good things do come to those who wait.